Even though the "Star Wars: Battlefront" is only due to launch on the Nov. 17, the game is already available to those who are members of EA Access and have an Xbox One console. Additionally, there is a mini-game available for those who are planning to download and play the game right now.
GamesRadar reporting on the availability of the "mini-game" states that gamers should be aware that if they do go ahead and start playing it, that it will immediately count towards the total of 10 hours they are allowed on "Star Wars: Battlefront." The 10 hour preview of "Star Wars: Battlefront" is currently being offered to those with EA Access and the Xbox One console ahead of game's release on September 17th.
As soon as 20 percent of the game has been downloaded, EA Access members can start playing the mini game and importantly they can step into the role of Darth Vader. As Darth Vader players can take on rebels at a Hoth base that is situated on Tatooine. Gamespot states that the mini-game is set in a hangar and Vader's abilities such as heavy-attack, Force choke and several other moves with a lightsaber can be employed by the gamer. With players being able to explore most of the moves provided to Darth Vader the mini-game acts as a tutorial for those who want to experience the game before it finishes downloading and installing. Importantly EA Access members once they download "Star Wars: Battlefront" can play the full version including all its modes for 10 hours.
However, there is an embargo on reviews in place which prevent any from being published until the day the game launches. Forbes states that this is a bizarre situation as anyone can play the entire game on the Xbox One if they have EA Access and they are not bound by any embargo. Members of the media meanwhile were provided access to "Star Wars: Battlefront" at a special event and have to wait until November 17th to publish reviews.
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